Monday, June 26, 2006

The Wallaby

Today Jackson was still high on the bilirubin count. So, they had a Wallaby blanket ordered from a Home Healthcare place so that he doesn't have to go into the hospital. We thought he looked so cute all glowing! hehehe... Poor lil guy, I wish Jeffy was here to see. He has a thing for aliens lately and it would thrill him to see his baby brother glowing like an alien. :)

Sunday, June 25, 2006

They Wub' Him!

The kids just love Baby Jack-Jack. They love to take turns holding him. Although Jessa's turns last around 10 seconds usually. hehehe... As soon as you put him down into her arms she is done holding him. Jeffrey is our big helper. He loves to hold Jackson and talk to him. He really really wants to change diapers. (crazy kid!)
Jackson was able to come home from the hospital on Friday. We have been trying to relax and stuff here at home. We have had to take him back to the hospital both Saturday and today (Sunday) to test his bilirubin (sp?) levels. He is really high but hopefully it has peaked today. Yesterday they told me he might have to be readmitted if it went any higher but today it went higher but less than a point so that is a sign that it has leveled out and he will be getting better. (So keep him in your prayers that he will!)
Jeff's parents left on Saturday to head back to KY. We will see them in 3 weeks when Jackson is blessed. They were a big help with the kids and getting the house all set to move. Darla was a packin machine for a couple of days I came home and my walls were bare! :) Thanks so much to them!
We are still enjoying our new edition here at the Stewart house. Jeffrey and Jessalyn have left this afternoon to spend a few days at Aunt Jenny and Uncle Jonny's house. They are super excited. It seems too quiet with both of them gone. I am sure this will be a busy week since we have to be out Thursday as we are signing on the house on Friday. Meanwhile Jeffrey and Jessalyn will be swimming and playing and having a grand time! (Can I join you guys? Packing is no fun!)

Wednesday, June 21, 2006


Jackson Aaron Stewart
Born 7:15am
June 20, 2006
7lbs 1oz.
18 inches long

Saturday, June 17, 2006

Wake Up Grandpa!

Yea! The day has finally come for Grandma Darla and Grandpa Amos have arrived! Grandpa Amos got "knocked around" a bit by the grandkids when he decided to "sleep" rather than play after arriving. But they thought it was a great game! hehehe....

Friday, June 16, 2006

The Sneak Thief

So I have discussed before my children's strange eating tendancies. From Spinach, to ketchup and cheese, and they only get more strange.... Anyhow, Jessa has a real thing for butter. She will lick it off her bread and leave the bread. She will dip her fingers into the bowl of butter and lick them if given half a chance.
Well, this last week one day, I made Mac N Cheese for lunch and I used a new stick of butter. That evening I needed butter for dinner. Where was my stick of butter? I could have sworn I put it in the door of the fridge... I check to seeif I left it on the counter... No such luck. Oh, well, I'll find it later I am sure.
I get a new stick and make dinner as planned. A few minutes later As I head down the hall I find my missing stick of butter. On the floor in the hall where most people keep open sticks of butter. In the open end was a little finger sized dug out. I knew there had been a sneak thief in my house!

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Can I have a DO Over?

Warning: This will be a whine-fest if you don't wanna hear it, then skip this Post.

Now for all of those who truly love me... Here is my whine.... K... Jeff leaves at 6:05 or so... I attempt to sleep through it but.. ya know...
6:28- Jeffrey comes in to tell me of his dream. Comfort him and spend some time talking...
6:55- Jessa has joined us and they ask if they can watch cartoons, I state the dishwasher must be emptied first. (Standard procedure here. See Post The Dreaded Dish Detail)
7:07- I hear the unmistakeable sound of a dish breaking, so it's cleaned up and no children end up with cut feet Thank goodness, So I am up. However being as prego as I am, I really am not ready to be because as any woman who has been there can attest, Sleep for the grossly pregnant is not true sleep. Between needing extra pillows and 20 minimum required trips to the bathroom per night, It just doesn't stay dark long enough.
So I decide to try to lay down for a lil more rest. Within 5 min. Jessa is there asking for candy or cookies, or pretzels... ummm... NO! Let's try breakfast, so I get her a bowl of cereal. Forget laying back down. Within 10 minutes she has taken a total of 3 bites and is "full." So I tell her to dump the soggy mess, fine, I am not up to arguing and by now it does look pretty gross. Well on her way to the kitchen she dumps it twice, Once in the living room, once in the kitchen, "Oops, it was an ass'ident mom!" Clean up that disaster, K... What time is it now?
7:20- I am in the bathroom when I realize that someone has taken out the trash but not replaced the bag. So I call for Jeffrey to bring me a sack. That was the biggest mistake....
Jessa comes in and she drops a bag on the floor that makes a splat sound. About this same time, Jeffrey says, "OH MY!!! She got paint everywhere!"
Paint??! Where would paint come from? I look at her, it's all over her jammies, her feet and the tile floor... AGHH! (Remember we just signed on the house to be sold. Dare I look in the Hallway?)
There is white paint down the hall, across the kitchen tile, on my table legs, on the chair legs, through the laundry room and into the tool/storage room where there lays a paint can on it's side with a huge puddle of white latex paint. (Yeah, I am in tears by now!)
So I start to clean up beginning by stripping Jessa in the bathroom. Both kids have the paint on their feet so after cleaning them I exile them to their rooms and begin the cleanup process....
7:45- I call in the reserve troops (AKA Grandma) because I do love my children and I know it wasn't intentional. But I just might lose it if anything else happens though... LOL
By the time grandma arrives I have been able to salvage the carpet and the tile, (the grout shows some signs... but hey it's not bad at all comparatively speaking!) and get most everything into some sembalance of normal.
9am- Do I really want to continue with this day? Can I have a do over?

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Can you hear it??

Supposedly there is a new Sound that is at such a high frequency those over 30 can rarely hear it. Kids are using it as a ring tone while in school to receive text messages.
I thought it sounded interesting. I found this story on the internet and it has the sound. I can hear it but not very well, like it's super faint background noise. But Jeffrey said it is really annoying and Jessalyn actually covered her ears... Weird huh?? Can you hear it?
The Buzz Sound Link

Saturday, June 10, 2006

In Shock....

Oh My! can you believe it??? Crazy Crazy!
So we put the house on the market Tuesday... (See post June 6th) Well, it's only Saturday and...
IT'S SOLD!!! Can you believe it??? We figured a month or two at least. Eeekk... Lot's to do. They want to try to close on the 30th. The buyer is all good to go. As long as it all passes inspections and stuff! WOW... So it's gonna be a busy lil while here.... Baby is still expected on the 20th!

Thursday, June 08, 2006

So what's up.... a SumMArY

I realized I have left a few things just hangin' out there and haven't completed a them. So I thought I'd take a minute and do just that.

Jeffrey is an Alternate for the Allstars which basically means we take him to practice everynight and then he will never play in teh actually tournament/ World series. LOL But he likes it and it is good for him. The Allstars coach is really great and is doing alot of real teaching helping the kids to know what to do in what situations so they can be the best ballplayers they can be.

Baby Jackson is doing fine. He is big. I feel like Violet from WillyWonka and the Chocolate factory after she ate the bubble gum meal and turned into a blueberry. Soon I will fall over and people will be able to roll me about like a ball. Dr. LaRose says to expect a big baby 8-9Lbs... Eeek.... So I am praying Jackson might have mercy on me and at least come a week or so early.... But probably no such luck... he has not cooperated so far why should he start now, right? LOL Just kidding... Anyway, I have been told it should n't matter since I will have a CSection anyhow... But ya know... I want a lil guy not a toddler! hehehehe
BTW you can all thank Kerry for the photo as she made me feel terribly guilty for not having a prego pic yet... She says I will look back and think oh I didn't look so bad... ummm.. yeah... we'll see.

Oh and my exciting current news... After only one day on the market, the house was shown 3 times today. Yea! Does everyone get this excited about it when they put their house on the market or is it just me? hehehe... I dunno but it's fun!

Today we went to the Library for their summer fun program. Jessalyn actually went into story time for the first time today. But they let Jeffrey go in with her so that might be why. (It's supposed to be only 3-5yr olds.) But in the afternoon Jeffrey went to the Big Kids program and they played Pirate games and Pirate books were read and Pirate songs were sung. Jessa's group did songs and stories but not the games and stuff. Next week the theme is Magic and so they are both excited to go to it.

Let's see... Okay I think that's about it... :) Have a great day!

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

It's on the Market

HAHA! It is finally more than just talk! We officially put the house on the market today. I am so excited... And I just can't hide it!
Of course after the realtor left and I wanted to share my joy.... was anyone answering their phones??? NOPE! SO Jeff and I just had our own mini- celebration. hehehe....
I don't expect it to sell for a while but I am content that we have taken this step. Hooray! And wish us luck!