Thursday, September 21, 2006

Laughin' Fat JAck

Today Jack Jack is 3 Months Old! Isn't he a big guy?!! So Sweet. Mom took these pictures earlier tonight. Don't his eyes look super blue in the close up picture!?? (It is not edited to be that blue i promise! :)

Friday, September 08, 2006

The Nina

I checked and I thought I had written something on here about the Nina when we went to see it. but I didn't see a post so perhaps I just emailed someone. Anyhow!

We went to see the Nina, one of Columbus' ships. In History we are just about to read about Columbus' discovery of North America so it works out well timewise.

It was very neat. It is a replica made with 15th century technology and ship building techniques. Crazy eh? It was much smaller than you would think! Most living rooms are larger than the living area and the living area was all on deck! Out in the open! Can you believe it? It really was amazing to see it. Very cool but it was a but anti-climatic when you are expecting a huge, pirate ship like, historic vessel to see such a tiny thing. I included lots of pics. Hope you can read the writing on the plaques. You can check out for all the detailed stuff and see if it will be coming anywhere near you.

I tried to take pics of the deck from each end so you could see how small it was.

Can u believe that ships boat was made by a 14 yr old??!!! I am not sure what I was doing at 14 but I can guarantee it wasn't anything as historic and longlasting as that! There were pictures of the boy that built it on the ship. His family worked to build parts of the main ship.

That grate thing? That was the hatch Columbus had to go down to get to his cabins. Now it says the roof was 4 ft high. Columbus was an exceptionally tall person for his time some estimate 6ft-6' 4'' Ugh! Tight squeeze for the poor guy!

Then just some cute pics of the kids messin' around.