Thursday, June 08, 2006

So what's up.... a SumMArY

I realized I have left a few things just hangin' out there and haven't completed a them. So I thought I'd take a minute and do just that.

Jeffrey is an Alternate for the Allstars which basically means we take him to practice everynight and then he will never play in teh actually tournament/ World series. LOL But he likes it and it is good for him. The Allstars coach is really great and is doing alot of real teaching helping the kids to know what to do in what situations so they can be the best ballplayers they can be.

Baby Jackson is doing fine. He is big. I feel like Violet from WillyWonka and the Chocolate factory after she ate the bubble gum meal and turned into a blueberry. Soon I will fall over and people will be able to roll me about like a ball. Dr. LaRose says to expect a big baby 8-9Lbs... Eeek.... So I am praying Jackson might have mercy on me and at least come a week or so early.... But probably no such luck... he has not cooperated so far why should he start now, right? LOL Just kidding... Anyway, I have been told it should n't matter since I will have a CSection anyhow... But ya know... I want a lil guy not a toddler! hehehehe
BTW you can all thank Kerry for the photo as she made me feel terribly guilty for not having a prego pic yet... She says I will look back and think oh I didn't look so bad... ummm.. yeah... we'll see.

Oh and my exciting current news... After only one day on the market, the house was shown 3 times today. Yea! Does everyone get this excited about it when they put their house on the market or is it just me? hehehe... I dunno but it's fun!

Today we went to the Library for their summer fun program. Jessalyn actually went into story time for the first time today. But they let Jeffrey go in with her so that might be why. (It's supposed to be only 3-5yr olds.) But in the afternoon Jeffrey went to the Big Kids program and they played Pirate games and Pirate books were read and Pirate songs were sung. Jessa's group did songs and stories but not the games and stuff. Next week the theme is Magic and so they are both excited to go to it.

Let's see... Okay I think that's about it... :) Have a great day!

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