Friday, September 16, 2005

SOOO Sorry!

Family games were an essential part of my growing up. We would play board games or card games often together. I remember being about 7-8 and learning to play Rummy so I could play with Mom. I was so proud when I could shuffle like an adult when I was 12. You know, when you flip the cards back together in a bridge. Having spent several days that summer practicing, I was excited to show my mom, her response was a, "Ooooh, you're a regular card shark." Gee thanks mom, I expected a bit more excitement! It is important for families to do things together. Playing games is one way to converse with one another and get to know each other in a way other than just as parent/child. And light competition can be healthy! One year all my brothers and my parents and grandparents and a family friend got a rousing game of Spoons going. Now you must know that with my 6 brothers, Spoons was a contact sport equal in fervor with normal American Football or wrestling. It was hilarious to watch my dignified grandma diving into the pile with my roudy brothers for a spoon. In the past few years the games have mellowed a bit. (I use that in the loosest sense of the word.) Canasta has been the favorite for several years now, with Baseball and Euchre also making a good showing. But whatever the game it is the spending time with family that makes it great.

Well, in our lil' house we have started playing games as a family. Jeffrey's current favorite is SORRY (A close second is Bee Safe or Bee Sorry.) So at least once a week the game is dragged out of the cupboard and played as a family. 2 yr old Jessa will even play her pieces and often she wins. (Do you think that is because she isn't vindictive and truly doesn't care? :P ) But it is so fun and I love the opportunity to spend special time with my family. One day perhaps my children will also look at games as something that helped bring our family together.

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