Thursday, April 26, 2007

Bumps and Bruises

Today, when I got out of class, there were messages on my phone. Jeffrey had been hurt at school. So I called mom back and she was on her way to get him. Then I got a call from his teacher explaining the incident as best as she could. Some kids were messing around and jeffy was bumped or pushed from behind and fell hard on his knee. But then she proceeded to say it was swollen and bruised but they were pretty sure it wasn't broken. (Ok so at this point I am really getting worried.) So, I hang up and just try to get to the school as soon as possible. Then the nurse calls and gives me a report and wonders where we are. Mom arrives before me and picks him up. She meets me near the interstate. His knee is bruised but not dire the way I was prepared to see this hideous distorted knee.. Laughing... It was slightly swollen.. No visible bruise just yet, although there was one forming tonight. Poor little guy will be sore but after speaking to the teacher and the nurse and 2 voicemails I was prepared for much worse. Just one of those childhood things!

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