Thursday, April 05, 2007

BE BE Safe- BB Gun

For Jeffrey's Birthday he received a BB Gun from Grandpa Amos and Grandma Darla. (Yes, Yes, I know what I have always said about guns, but he knows the rules. I laid down the laws when he first got it and I swear the first indiscretion and I will take it away permanently!)
He really enjoys it. He likes to practice and has gotten good at hitting the target He will beat the target to death before he starts on a new one. So far he has been much better than I expected. He is very careful with the safety and where he points the gun. He is also very conscious of other people around him. It has not been the worrisome stressor I feared it might be, he hasn't shown any desire to aim at innocent squirrels or woodland creatures as I imagine my own brothers would have. :P Jeffrey has shown the proper amount of responsibility with his Gun. I am so proud of the lil guy! :) He hits the target more than he misses and definitely more than I can hit it! I just aim and hope I hit the box at all let alone hitting the bullseye!

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