Sunday, November 12, 2006


Ok, so kids are funny. Tonight we said family prayer and then since it is an even night, I took Jessa to tuck her in and say her prayer and Jeff took Jeffrey. We both had some cute lil prayers tonight.

Last week at family home evening we talked about the way to say a prayer...
Address Heavenly Father
Thank him
Ask for what blessings you need
End in the name of Jesus Christ.

Everynight when Jessa prays she thanks heavenly father for "horses and ponies and unicorns." It's standard now. So tonight Jessa says her usual, then stops and looks at me and says, "Can I ask for two unicorns?"
Meanwhile, Jeffy says his prayer and says. " I am thankful for the Doctor and Covenants."
hehehehe... I just love it. I am sure Heavenly Father has to chuckle when he hears prayers like that. :)

1 comment:

Confused and In Love said...

That is soooo cute. It's so good that you are starting your kids off praying so early. More parents need to that with their kids seeing that the world is so crazy nowadays.