Wednesday, August 31, 2005

So Let's Do it!!!

OK, so I am currently the Enrichment Counselor in Relief Society. We were to have Enrichment tomorrow night, but since we didn't have church Sunday and it wasn't all set yet, we (okay so I) kinda decided that we wouldn't have it. Then I talked with a few other sisters and all of us stated that we would love to help the disaster victims but just didn't know what we could do. SO, one totally awesome Sister (Maureen Stuckey), says, "Well, at least we could put together some Hygiene kits like the church puts together." Lightbulb! Of Course! We can send them with our guys that head over there in the work crews. So Tomorrow night we will be assembling them. And should you want info on how YOU can help disaster victims... Check it out. How you can help. The men are heading over Sat. Sunday and Monday to assist.

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