Tuesday, July 26, 2005

A JAS Life Begins....

Ok, So Why JAS you ask? Well, in our family we have
Jeffrey Alan Stewart, Sr

Jennifer Ann Stewart
Jeffrey Alan Stewart, Jr
Jessalyn Alexis Stewart
(Do you see a theme here?) So JAS it's a family thing! And Just so you know we have a thing for the number 29 as well. (June 29th {Jeff Born}, Aug 29th {Jenna Born}, Oct 29th- {Wedding})
N- E- WAYS>>> This is a glimpse at the life we lead in the Stewart Household. We always have lots goin on. So check back regularly and find an update! :) PS>>> your comments are appreciated, Let me know what you think so I can make it better! I will try to include pics and update regularly. :) I won't promise everyday because, well, I gotta be realistic! Hehehe!


Anonymous said...

Woo Hoo Jenna! I love it! Great name too! Fits you all perfectly! Can't wait to see more pics and hear all about your life!


Anonymous said...

Looks great you guys. Tell everyone hello for me. Wesley

Val said...

Yay! Glad you're hoppin' on the blog bandwagon, girl.

Anonymous said...

Jenn,great glad to hear. Love Gma

Anonymous said...

Hi Jenna:

I just came back from Cumberland Gap, TN, where I was helping Carrie with her 5th birth. Jeremiah Luke Williamson was born July 9,2005. Carrie had no problem, and the other four are so proud!

The JAS Gang is very cute. I was thrilled to see the picture of y'all.

Tell your mom I said "Hi".

Love, Penny