Monday, December 25, 2006

The Pagent

When I was growing up every year on Christmas eve My parents would read the Christmas story. My brothers and I would pull out every bathrobe in the house and put towels and belts on our heads as costumes and act out the Christmas story. (Yes, I was always Mary, except for the year Brandy was with us and I got to be the Angel.) We usually had Sheep in long underwear and extra "wise guys" as my brothers called themselves. Along with the standard shepherds, Mary and Joseph. If there was a baby in the family, he got to be Baby Jesus but more often than not it was one of my cabbage patch dolls.

So this year, Jeffrey, Jessalyn and Jackson were the actors in the reading of the Christmas story. I love that I can pass this tradition down to my children. Poor Jessalyn was running a high fever all had and made a rather somber Mary but soo sweet.
And Last but not least we had to have Uncle Jonny being a Ham of a Wise Guy! :)

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