Saturday, July 30, 2005

The "Not Me" Gremlin

Do you remember in the comic strip Family Circle, Bill Keene's Character children had the whole Host of Ghosts-- NOT ME & IDA KNOW? There were more but those are the ones i remember right off... well, i am sure they are at work in my house right now. I want to make the Compilation cd of all my favorite quiet songs... But 2 CD's have run away off the CD towers.... Just gone and not to any of the usual places either so I suppose Not Me or Ida were visiting cuz no one else seems to know either.... Drives me Crazy! This was the only comic that had a Gremlin in it that I could find.

I was sitting here making a compilation Cd and was thinking about what I want to do next. I do have a list of things I wish to accomplish this weekend, I just need to decide which to do...
Do I- sit and scrap a bit (easy)....
Do I clean the house from TOp to Bottom (I mean REALLY clean)....
Do I sew Jessa's Care Bear Dress?(it's been waiting since May)....
Do I read one of the million or so Books on Homeschool that are sitting and waiting....
Or do I go grocery shopping?
hmmmm.... I just don't know. I am so used to have structured set aside things to accomplish each day and working the kids into that schedule that it is strange to think of doing it without them here. Does Everyone feel this lost when important people in their life are removed from the equation? I love that I have this time and I imagined it as super productive and fun but so far I just get distracted with thoughts of my family... Hmmmm.... Must be LOVE... :)

Friday, July 29, 2005

What children see...

So Yesterday, Jeff took the children up to the top of a building in Salt Lake City to look out over Temple Square and the Temple. But Jeff said the funny thing was that what the kids chose to see was how tiny the cars were, and the carriage horse they had petted, and the trees. I just thought it was interesting thought. The children see the details and the "life" in the view and as adults we wanted to see the beautiful view of the temple as a whole. But what makes the temple important is the hope it gives us in Life and beyond. To live our lives in asuch a way as to be ready to see both the big and little things in life and what is happening in the view as well as what to look for. Does that make any sense? Just me thinkin' Scary thought, eh? Be happy! :)

Wednesday, July 27, 2005

I'm on My own NOW~~

Here I am. For the first time in ....uh.... FOREVER, I am without Husband or children. The house is silent (because right now I enjoy the novelty of it), I can stay in my sweats, turn the AC up to 77 if I wish, Scrap, Play on Computer, watch movies and generally be a bum for the next 5 days!!! (for those who don't know, Jeff likes to keep it at an artic 70-72.) Today, Mom & I drove to New Orleans and sent them all off to Salt Lake City to visit Jeff's Grandparents. While this is said with a partial sigh, I am very much looking forward to ME time. Without being interrupted or feeling guilty for not doing something with the family. Isn't it funny how as much as we love our family it is also nice to have just alone time too? XOXOX Love ya hope ya have a nice time but see ya Next Tuesday!!

This pIc was taken just a couple of weeks Ago up in KY at my In-laws Barn. We had a great time this day playin' on the 4 wheeler, eatin hot dogs over a campfire and catching fireflys. Jeffrey has read about fireflys but we don't really have them here in Florida. (Too hot I suppose.) But he LOved it! He finally managed to get everyone to eat enough pickles so he could use the jar for a while to keep the ones he caught. hehehe. It wasn't Difficult though because they were Homemade pickles, pickled by Grandma Linda. :)

Tuesday, July 26, 2005

A JAS Life Begins....

Ok, So Why JAS you ask? Well, in our family we have
Jeffrey Alan Stewart, Sr

Jennifer Ann Stewart
Jeffrey Alan Stewart, Jr
Jessalyn Alexis Stewart
(Do you see a theme here?) So JAS it's a family thing! And Just so you know we have a thing for the number 29 as well. (June 29th {Jeff Born}, Aug 29th {Jenna Born}, Oct 29th- {Wedding})
N- E- WAYS>>> This is a glimpse at the life we lead in the Stewart Household. We always have lots goin on. So check back regularly and find an update! :) PS>>> your comments are appreciated, Let me know what you think so I can make it better! I will try to include pics and update regularly. :) I won't promise everyday because, well, I gotta be realistic! Hehehe!