Saturday, April 11, 2009

Jessalyn is 6!

My sweet baby girl is 6! Can you believe it!?!
She is still our cowgirl. She sure loves her horses. So for her birthday this year we took 5 of her friends and we on a trail ride up in the state forest. It was alot of fun. Jessalyn's horse Storm had a colt you will see in the pictures. It was named Squall.
At the end of the ride (about 45 minutes) Jessalyn's horse decided to follow her colt off onto the road instead of following the other horses back to the corral. That was a lil adventure for her. But she had a great time and was thrilled to be able to share it with her friends.

1 comment:

Nat said...

Wow, I can not believe that! We moved into the milton ward the weekend you had her. I remember your dad made the announcement. really can it be 6 yrs?