Sunday, March 22, 2009

A Boy and a Girl in a Little Canoe

A boy and a girl (and a boy and a mom) in a little canoe with the sun setting all around. And they talked and the talked til the sun grew dim....

We took the canoe out on the lake and had a fun time. There were a couple of scary moments, like when we were focusing on getting to the ducks and not where we were going and we ran into some branches. And when Jackson decided to lean over the edge of the canoe to touch the water and we all but tipped into the water.

But we all survived without getting too wet and it was nice and peaceful out on the lake. It is so nice to have it right there and be able to just go when we get the urge. :)

And Thanks Papaw for letting use your canoe and for helping us get it up and down the hill to the water!!!

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