Sunday, August 31, 2008

Rotten Babies??

So my friend Jen used to call her daughter Lydia a "rotten Baby" and it always shocked me and made me wanna cuddle Lydia more. But see, Lydia was always getting into things and making messes and then being just too cute to lecture.

Well now there's Jack and I must say. Jen, I fully understand Rotten Babies now. LOL I have one. He is too funny! But man is he a handful!


Anonymous said...

He is not rotten, they all smell that way! :)

I love the face. I also love this age of children, they ARE a lot of work, but so fun. There is never a dull moment I am sure.

Keep them coming.


JenD said...

Um, Jen, Lydia is still the same way, just taller and more coordinated, to get into more stuff. lol
The only reason we say that she is rotten is cuz we spoiled her that way!!
Welcome to my world. lol