Friday, January 27, 2006

Yep--- It's Official

I stink. I have been terribly remiss at updating my Blog this much and for those who read it... I Apologize. Nothing Major going on, I just plain old haven't been in the mood to do it. Shame on me. I will try to do better in the next few weeks...
Here is the scoop for today....We are getting ready for Jon and Jenny's reception tomorrow. We (Grandma Jones, Great Hensley, Grandpa, Mom and I-- Jenny joined us later) Spent most of the day preparing for the reception and running ALL over Pensacola to get all the stuff for the wedding. We split up so we could get everything done. Mom and Grandma Jones went to Lowe's and Sam's Club and .... I forget where all.
Great Hensley and Grandpa and I went to Michael's, Things Remembered, Some stores looking for a specific candle, Party Fantatic, The Bakery, Walmart and I don't remeber where else. But it was a busy day of running around. We all ended up back at the church to get things ready for the reception tomorrow. Yea!
So we are all exhausted but have more things ready than we did before.

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