Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Apple Bobbin'

Well, since we had already taken the children Trunk or Treatin'- not once, but twice- we decided they would not be trick or treating this year at all. So we had a Halloween party with some friends of ours. One of our games was Bobbing for Apples. Well, at first no one wanted to go. But soon everyone was getting in on the action! It was a blast. Jessalyn decided she wanted a try but the bucket we were using came to about her chest so when she leaned over to get one as she had seen everyone else do, She fell all the way in! All that was left was her lil shoes up in the air! It was very funny and we rescued her very quickly so no harm was done. The water had hardly stopped pooring off her when she went to lean over to get an apple. She really wanted that APPLE! We allowed her to just use her hands. we figured she's earned it! :)
We also had a pinata- made carmel apples- & made individual pizzas which the kids all got to make up. It was alot of fun.

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