Sunday, October 31, 2010

Happy Halloween!

Just thought I would share our Halloween pic's. We were a wizarding family. Jason was a death eater, Jessa & I were witches, and Jeffrey went as Harry Potter. Jackson went as Buzz Lightyear with a wand since he didn't like not having one when everyone else had one.. hehehe.
Jason and his friend Chris made us wands. They were really neat. :)

Left to Right:
Antique Mohagony (w/ a light stain to bring out the grains)
Brazillian Mahogony
Brazillian Mahogony
Antique Dogwood
*picture is after 1st coat of laquer, unpolished or recoated

Tuesday, October 05, 2010

Jack In the Tub

What a cute old man.... All his beard is sooo long!

Saturday, October 02, 2010

The Circus is in Town!

We were right in front of the tigers when they performed.

All of Jeffrey's photos were very blurry.

The kids enjoyed riding the camel but honestly... It wasn't much of a ride. lol About 2 minutes in a very small circle.
We had a fun trip to the circus. Not as eventful as the one when I was a kid that the boys always talk about where the Elephant went on a rampage. :) But I thought of them and while we were there!