Sunday, December 12, 2010

Our Christmas Tree!

Such a busy weekend! Jason and the kiddos got the tree Saturday while I was taking my final. Then we jetted over to the stake center to see the Nativity display. Which was beautiful as always but not as many this year for some reason.
So today we decorated the tree all up and it turned out beautifully! We even braved the cold to decorate up the porch with some Christmas lights. We let the kids talk us into using colors outside since we won and got to put white lights on the tree. We made hot chocolate and cookies to warm up with afterwards. :)
Happy Holidays everyone! It's beginning to feel like Christmas!

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Happy Halloween!

Just thought I would share our Halloween pic's. We were a wizarding family. Jason was a death eater, Jessa & I were witches, and Jeffrey went as Harry Potter. Jackson went as Buzz Lightyear with a wand since he didn't like not having one when everyone else had one.. hehehe.
Jason and his friend Chris made us wands. They were really neat. :)

Left to Right:
Antique Mohagony (w/ a light stain to bring out the grains)
Brazillian Mahogony
Brazillian Mahogony
Antique Dogwood
*picture is after 1st coat of laquer, unpolished or recoated

Tuesday, October 05, 2010

Jack In the Tub

What a cute old man.... All his beard is sooo long!

Saturday, October 02, 2010

The Circus is in Town!

We were right in front of the tigers when they performed.

All of Jeffrey's photos were very blurry.

The kids enjoyed riding the camel but honestly... It wasn't much of a ride. lol About 2 minutes in a very small circle.
We had a fun trip to the circus. Not as eventful as the one when I was a kid that the boys always talk about where the Elephant went on a rampage. :) But I thought of them and while we were there!

Friday, September 17, 2010

Wednesday, September 01, 2010

Just Hangin' around at home

Jack Jack wanted to play in the tent so he could "camp" the way Jeffrey gets to with Boy Scouts. It was fun for an hour or too but much too hot. We played a game of Sorry and I thought I might melt.

Jeffrey Loves to fish off the pier. We haven't caught as much this year but I guess that is just as well with the oil spill and all.

Saturday, May 08, 2010

All Dressed up....

I love it when the kids all look nice and put together for church, but I never seem to think to grab the camera. Jeff got the kids dressed to meet me on Mother's day and took some pic's so I thought I would share. :) I know I am biased but I am so very grateful to have such wonderful children! :)

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Jeffrey- Starbase Project

Starbase Atlantis is a program for the 5th grade students in the county. The Students are invited up to Whiting Field for a series of field trips. They went several times over a two month period. The kids learn about physics, mechanics, and flight. The last trip, the kids launch a rocket. They got to play with flight simulators and all kinds of neat things. Jeffrey LOVED it!

Friday, March 19, 2010

Elementary School Dance = Indoor Recess for 3 hours

The kid's elementary school had a "Spring Fling" (school family dance as a Fundraiser.) It was very entertaining. Loud but entertaining. The kids ran around and the occasional parent would dance and so the kids would stop and stare at the oddity. hehehe. It was funny. But Jack and Jessalyn had a great time running around to the music. Taylor Swift and Justin Bieber Are popular because I am sure they are adored by all these kids! I swear the DJ played each of their songs at least twice. And those kids cheered everytime!