Saturday, June 21, 2008

Bubbles Bubble Bubbles Bubbles!

Like most little ones (and let's be honest, big ones too!) Jack Jack loves bubbles! For his birthday he got a bubble machine. He loves it. Tooo cute!

Friday, June 20, 2008

Happy Jack Birthday!

JACK IS 2!!! Such a big guy now! Jackson got a shirt that talks for his birthday and then had little interest in opening his other gifts. He was very cute.

The Circus Comes to Town

Circus Time! We had a great time. Photos didn't take out very well but here are a few. There was a preshow where you got to go down among the circus stars and be up close. I wish we had been there longer for that part of it. It was fun. :) Jessa was so excited to meet all the "fancy ladies."