Playing Football in the front yard... Yeah, my team won. :) HAHA How many Peyton Mannings are on your team? Jessalyn and Maddie playing with the Nativty... They kept saying, Grandma take our picture! Yeah, This looks like a lively bunch... Must have been between canasta games!
:) I know I have shown before how our family tradition is to act out the christmas story on Christmas eve. These are just a few pictures from this year.
Jessalyn's school had a lil dance recital was so sweet. She practiced her "dance" at least a thousand times over the past few weeks. She was very graceful and beautiful. What a sweet lil angel! :) She was running a fever and not feeling well at all but she couldn't stand to miss it! Do you see her lil friends fro? hehehe.... I thought it was so funny to see a lil kid with such a big fro. Her family thought it was great though. To each his own!