Saturday, March 31, 2007


Oh once again my humble daughter makes us all giggle. I do hope she always keeps that self confidence... But it does need to be watered down just a tad... LOL

Katelyn- "You are so beautiful, never let anyone tell you otherwise."
Jessalyn- "I won't. They can see I am beautiful by themself."

The Beach + Cousins= Mass Quantities of Fun

Jeffrey body surfs in the waves.

Jack did not like the feel of the sand at all at first. He has a real thing about texture. But a little bit at a time he adjusted to it.

Jessalyn and Kaitlyn approach Courtney as she is laying out. They look like they are up to something! All the girls got really tan in the week they were here. We had beautiful weather all week long it has been in the high to mid 80's. Of course they are lovin iT! Uncle Rick and his family will be here next week and unfortunately it looks like all the rain we skipped this week will try to play catch up.

Aunt Sue, Susan, and Jack-Jack

Mallory and Jeffrey Jumping in the waves. I think that person in the front is Kaitlyn holding Jessalyn

Shelby and Jessalyn- Jessalyn LOVE LOVE LOVED being spoiled by all the girls.

More Beach Photos

Shelby with her Net. Shelby Caught Several Sand Crabs and a couple of jelly fish.

Mallory trying to catch a wave.

Jeffrey REALLY wanted to be buried in the sand, so The girls obliged him, using a hole some other group of people had dug previously. Classic BEach fun ya know! :)

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Cinderella Girl

Jessa Says, "Mom, you can just call me Cinderella when I wear this dress and my glass slippers." hehehehe... Ok Cinderella!

Jack Is 9 Months!!

What a big boy!

Sunday, March 18, 2007

Cub Scouts!

Jeffrey is officially a cub scout now. He went to his first meeting. A Breakfast award ceremony. The scouts cooked breakfast for us; Eggs, sausage, donuts (ok they were bought.), Juice, and milk. But it was fun. The scouts played capture the flag afterwards. Jeffy was so excited. He can't wait to go purchase his scout shirt! I will post pictures when we get it. : ) By The Way, Happy St Patty's Day!

Hippity Hop

So Jack does this thing where he sits with his feet almost underneath him and hops on his bottom. It is soo cute. I tried to capture it in a photo but you just have to see it to get the real idea of it. He just gets so excited!

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Jeffrey Cutie Pie

I know every mother does it but sometimes I look at my children and I swear they are the cutest things ever. Just look at Jeffrey's sweet face! Aww... Makes me forget the times he is stubborn and difficult... Well... maybe not forget ALL the times. Chuckle.

Sunday, March 11, 2007

Artist in Residence!

Jeffy had some of his artwork displayed in the Blackwater Art Festival this weekend! We were so proud of him for being selected. Only about 40 items from his school were chosen! Isn't he great? We had lots of fun walking around and eating cotton candy and all those overpriced fair foods as we listened to the band and checked out the artwork from local artists. They also had jugglers and poets and preformers. It was fun but too hot! Felt like summer instead of spring! The kids enjoyed it and we got to make some buttons too. :) We also bought Jessa a fun birthday present.

Monday, March 05, 2007

One Slick Car

Dad and Great Papaw Spent most of January painting his corvette. They even added Ghost flames. It looked good but wasn't as shiney as they hoped. So Finally they sprayed on a few more coats of clear coat and look! Isn't it prettY!!!! Awesome! Now Dad will look really cool when cruisin in his 'vette. Remember what it looked like before? see... Dad's Vette

Sunday, March 04, 2007

Jeffy's Baptism

Jeffrey was baptized today by his Dad Jeff. Grandma Darla and Grandpa Amos came down from KY as well as cousins Caleb and Caitlin. Great Hensley and Great Papaw were there as well as Uncle Sam, Mom and Jessa and Jack, Sis. Gordon from Primary and Jeffy's long time primary teacher Sis Stuckey, Mom and Dad. I think I got everyone...

The Program went like this.

Conducting- Bill Hensley
Opening Hymn #304 Teach Me to Walk in the Light
Invocation by Darla Chapman
Talk on Baptism by Amos Chapman
Baptism of Jeffrey Stewart by Jeff Stewart Sr.
Favorite Songs
Talk on the Gift of the Holy Ghost by Nori Hensley
Special Welcome by the Primary
Closing Hymn #A Child's Prayer
Benediction by Jenna Stewart

:) It was a nice lil baptism. jessa shared a special prayer when we sang songs too. :)

Friday, March 02, 2007


So Jack recently began crawling. Well his new favorite thing to do is pull the videos off the bottom shelf of the entertainment center. We are constantly telling him, "no." Recently as he reached for them he looked to Mom and Great Hensley and said, "no?" then went ahead and reached for them. ummm.... No Jack, that isn't what they are NAMED. It means no touching! LOL...