Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Check out that BARN!

I asked Amos a week or so, (I say or so because he said it was a week and I think it was more like 2.) to make a Barn for Jessa's horsies. Well he did and in typical Amos-construction fashion, it is above and Beyond.... Just look at those pics! Isn't it cool???!!! The "brand" on the front is her brand. The 3E on the right side is Great Grandpa Elvy's. Or course she LOVES it. (So did a few other grandchildren.) I am thinkin' Grandpa's barn-building days are not over with!

Sunday, December 25, 2005

Twas the Night before Christmas....

Last night was the official night before Christmas. We read the Christmas Story and The Night before Christmas. The kids all got to open 1 gift from their great grandparents and then the watch for Santa was on....

Saturday, December 24, 2005

These Boots were made for walkin'...

OK, You all know you are singin' the song in your head! hehehe... So on Christmas eve we woke up and headed out to the barn to have Christmas with Darla, Amos, Keisha's family, Danielle, & Shane. We had swedish pancakes, sausage balls (which are cheesy and YUM-YUMMY!), And Biscuits and Gravy. {Oh, and 3lbs of Bacon that were produced after everyone had eaten.. I sense a conspiracy! ;) } Just kidding. It was just funny, they forgot to put it on the table. Anyhow, It was a nice morning with a chill in the air. (OK, so it was just plain cold...)
The kids didn't mind much! They all opened their gifts just a quickly as ever. Darla and Amos bought each grandchild genuine cowboy boots. We all had a good chuckle at Aiden. Who removed his old boots for his new ones and the new were nearly twice as long and twice as wide. He admitted they were ALOT more comfortable. hehehe... Keisha said he just wouldn't give them up and was always forcing his feet to go into them. It was cute to see all 10 (or is it 11?) kids struttin around in their new boots!
Jeffy is comparing his "new boots" to grandpa's well worked in boots. He has a ways to go! hehehe... Get to work Boy! :P And of Course.. Jessa's are PINK...

Thursday, December 22, 2005

On the Road Again!

And we are off to see our family in KY!
Merry Christmas to everyone! Have a safe and Happy Holiday. Don't forget to take time out for the True reason for Christmas!

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Christmas gifts!!

This is the year we will spend Christmas in KY with Jeff's family. So Jeffrey and Jessa got to enjoy an early Christmas celebration with Grandma Nori and Papaw. Of course they loved it! Jeffy's favorite gift was a Zathura boardgame. (Lots of pieces and about a 1,000 rules!) But he has a thing for the Nutcracker. After we saw a production of it this year (I think I posted about it. If I didn't I meant to!) he kept saying how much he wanted one. So he received one from Grandma & Papaw. Jessa loved it all. She got several ponies which were up there with Cinderella as a close second.

Saturday, December 17, 2005

A Visit From Santa

I had to get Jonny from the airport last night so I didn't attend the Ward Christmas party, but My Lovely Husband took the children because they were really looking forward to it. (Rumor had it Santa was appearing!)
So they went. They had a great time. Jessalyn was afraid of Santa and refused to go by him without Daddy to protect her. hehehe... But she wanted the candy so it worked out in her favor in the end. Chuckle. May you always believe in the Spirit of Christmas and giving that Santa represents. Their is a Santa and it is up to each of us to be it!

Thursday, December 15, 2005

Potent Kisses...

Today Jessa hurt her elbow and came to me for a kiss to make it all better. I kissed it, but she had on long sleeves. After I kissed it she said, "Wait!" then she pulled up her sleeve to expose the hurt elbow and then asked for another kiss. After that kiss she smiled and ran away.
I suppose my kisses just wasn't potent enough to get through that sleeve to the owie. LOL. I Love that my children make me laugh everyday!

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Baking Day!

Today was baking day at our home. We baked 5 different kinds of cookies and 6 loaves of bread. (Yep... That's ALOT of Flour!)
But we had a great time decorating the cookies and setting up the tins for families here in the area. We dropped them off today and sang a carol. The kids really liked it but were ready to get home towards the end. Lots of fun and really got us in the Christmas Spirit. Afterwards we looked at Christmas light displays on our way home. It was a terrific ending to a festive day!

Saturday, December 10, 2005

Stringin Up the Lights...

Well, we decided that we'd help Gulf Power out and use a lil more electricity this season. :)
Jeffy has really been looking forward to puttin' up the lights every since the tree went up a couple of weeks ago. So tonight we all went out in the front yard to get them up. Everybody helped.... :) It's beginning to look alot like Christmas!!!!

Friday, December 09, 2005

The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe

SO back in September/ Augustish we read the Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe by CS Lewis as a family. And now with the Movie coming out this weekend we had to take Jeffrey. So I checked the parent movie review site, (Which I am glad I did so we could discuss some things first and avoid unpleasant suprises.)
We got a sitter for Jessa and we went just the 3 of us. The Movie was very well done. Graphic in spots but mostly I REALLY thought they did a great job. Highly recommend it for ANY age group.... Just for younger viewers you need to talk about the bombing scene in the beginning and prepare them for the Scary creatures in the witches minons.

Thursday, December 08, 2005

This is How it works......

So I was in the living Room folding that neverending pile of Laundry that thinks it owns my Sofa, When I hear so very technical sounding instructions coming from Jeffrey's room. They included the words Need, Click, and Hurry. So I went to investigate.
There, sitting at his computer in his room Jeffrey was trying to teach Jessa how to play a game and move the mouse. He had positioned his hand over hers and was showing her how it moved the cursor around the screen.
Isn't he just such a sweet big brother!
Normally she just gets to be the watcher of whatever activity he has going on the computer.

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Santa's Lil Helper

Awhile ago, Jeffrey heard an ad on the radio requesting voluteers to be Bellringers during this holiday season. He asked a few questions about what it was for and I explained it was to collect money for people that otherwise wouldn't have anything for Christmas. Well, Jeffy was sold and wanted to sign up. So today was the day. Our shift was from 9:30-2pm at the BigLots here in town. Our friends worked from 11-1pm and Jeffy did the rest. He had alot of fun, although it was a bit cold. We had to run in the store to find some mittens to keep those bellringing fingers warm! He did a great job and wished all those coming and going a Very Merry Christmas! We were warmed and amazed at how giving many people were. It was refreshing to see so many willing to reach out to those with less than they have. I was reminded of the story of the widows mite. Jen pointed out that often times it was those that looked most humble that gave the most. Many said that they felt the Salvation Army's assistance after Katrina and loved to support them. What a wonderful son I have. He created a beautiful experience for us today and allowed us to serve during this holiday season.

Saturday, December 03, 2005

Wedding Bells are Ringing.....

Jonny and Jenny got Married in the Orlando Temple!
Congratulations and Best wishes on your beautiful new start! Anyone wishing to see additional pics can look them up Here